Summa sidvisningar

torsdag 15 december 2016

Känd israelisk leftie klarsynt, överger den omöjliga tvåstatslösningen.

Till och med vänsterförfattare i Israel börjar inse att Israel inte kan sluta fred med Abbas, vars stadgar bland annat säger (till Mona Sahlins förtjusning när hon besökte ärketerroristerna):
  • Artikel (12) Fullständig befrielse av Palestina, och utrotande av den sionistiska ekonomiska, politiska, militära och kulturella existensen.
  • Artikel (19) Väpnad kamp är en strategi och inte en taktik, och det palestinska arabiska folkets väpnade revolution är en avgörande faktor i befrielsekampen att utrota den sionistiska existensen, och denna kamp kommer inte att upphöra innan den sionistiska staten rivs och Palestina är helt befriat
  • Article (12) Complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence
  • Article (19) Armed struggle is a strategy and not a tactic, and the Palestinian Arab People's armed revolution is a decisive factor in the liberation fight and in uprooting the Zionist existence, and this struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished and Palestine is completely liberated.
Weekly Commentary: Watershed Event - Leading Israeli Leftist Embraces Annexation as 2 State Dead Dr. Aaron Lerner 15 December, 2016 Watershed event? Leading Israeli leftist intellectual, A B Yehoshua proclaimed last week that the two state solution was dead and suggested Israel annex Area C for starters. That's ALL of Area C. No nickel and diming for A. B. Yehoshua. The response? The only thing Yossi Beilin could do when asked by Israel Radio Reshet Bet was raise the demographic boogeyman. Beilin warned that an Arab majority was inevitable. Here's the math as provided by Yoram Ettinger: At the end of 2015: 6.7 million Jews, including 300,000 who are Jews according to the law of return, but not according to the Halachah…. 1.75 million Arabs in Judea & Samaria 1.75 million Arabs in the pre-1967 boundaries of Israel (which includes about 160,000 Christian Arabs and 120,000 Druz, who are not Arabs, and 280,000 Bedouins, half of whom identify with the Jewish State, including military and national service). The result: A 66% Jewish majority in the combined area of Judea, Samaria and the "Green Line," highlighting an upward Jewish demographic trend (fertility and migration wise) and a rapidly Westernized Arab demography, especially in Judea & Samaria. By the way - Beilin's "solution" is a confederation of a Palestinian state and Israel. He doesn't give any thought to the demographic ramifications of a Palestinian state with sovereign control over its gateways to the outside world. Bottom line: if demography is the key consideration, we are better off completely annexing Judea and Samaria than having a sovereign Palestinian state that can flood the area with Arabs who can trace back a relative who was here before 1948. We most certainly don't have to aid the Palestinians in their Phased Plan to destroy Israel

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