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söndag 25 december 2016

Ban ki-Moons alla mungipor.

Häromdagen sa han: we must never accept bias against Israel within UN bodies vilket inte hindrade honom att applådera det rådgivande antisemitiska beslutet i Säkerhetsrådet, initierat av Abbas gäng:
The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: The Secretary-General welcomes the adoption by the Security Council of resolution 2334 (2016) on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.  The resolution is a significant step, demonstrating the Council's much needed leadership and the international community’s collective efforts to reconfirm that the vision of two States is still achievable.
Karln har inte den blekaste aning om att alla araber sa nej till tvåstatslösningen och attackerade Israel 1948,  därefter attackerade Israel 1967, ett försvarskrig Israel vann överlägset på 6 dagar. Att vinna ett försvarskrig har givit alla andra en fördel - utom Israel, som snarast har anklagats för att vinna och överleva. Israels justitieminister kommenterar:

Shaked: We survived Pharaoh, we'll survive this too

Justice Minister says UN Security Council decision just before Hanukkah is reminiscent of Jewish history.
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Nitsan Keidar, e

Ayelet Shaked
David Kedmi
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) reacted on Saturday night to the UN Security Council's Resolution 2334, which ordered Israel to stop all building in the "Palestinian territory" (som inte existerar) of Judea and Samaria. "Happy Hanukkah to the entire Jewish nation," Shaked said. "The UN Security Council's resolution, passed just before Hanukkah, reminds us of something in our history. But this time, we're strong enough and this decision won't affect our power in the slightest." "There's something very sad and pitiful about that moment when the Security Council votes for an anti-Israel resolution and the world cheers. It's the moment that shows all the rot in the UN. Half a million men, women, and children are being murdered in Syria, and this emasculated organization does not even raise a hand to help. "But when it comes to harming the Jewish state, why not. Syria they protect. There are no resolutions against it. But against the only democratic country in the Middle East there are dozens of resolutions. It's just like David Ben Gurion said: 'Um (the UN's Hebrew acronym is Um, ed), shmum.'* We survived Pharaoh, we'll survive this, too," Shaked concluded. *The Hebrew acronym for the UN is pronounced Oom (umot meuchadot). The repetition of a word with "sh" at the beginning is a form of deprecation.

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