Summa sidvisningar

tisdag 27 december 2016

COGAT - all hjälp från Israel till palaraberna.

Israel hjälper palestinierna med allting, humanitära varor, sjukvård eftersom Abbas donationer bara räcker till att bygga hans palats, inte sjukvård. Ett bra sätt är att se twitters från COGAT: De senaste:
Last week, the Civil Administration coordinated for the crossing of 67 ambulances between and Judea and Samaria
Last week, 349,865 residents entered from Judea and Samaria for work, medical treatment, religious services and other purposes
As part of a series this week, COGAT is highlighting international projects in various cities. Check out what happened in in 2016!
 26 dec.
1,074 licenses were issued for entrance into yesterday
 26 dec.
There were 13 crossings of ambulances between and yesterday
 26 dec.
A total of 67,833 residents entered into yesterday
 26 dec.
There were 5 ambulance crossings between and yesterday
 26 dec.
There were 771 crossings of foreigners, merchants and others between and yesterday
 26 dec.
19,817 tons of goods, in 590 trucks, entered through yesterday
 25 dec.
There were 6 ambulance crossings between and over the weekend
There were 822 crossings of foreigners, merchants and others between and over the weekend
 25 dec.
18,385 tons of goods, in 603 trucks, entered through over the weekend
Och en lång rad vidare. Inget av detta är Israel tvingat till och Egypten ligger precis lika nära Gaza. Har Aftonbladets kriaskrivare nämnt detta? Hur mycket har araberna hjälpt israeliska judar?

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