Summa sidvisningar

onsdag 23 november 2016

Tack, Obama

Från Sen Obongon började sitt manipulerande i Mellanöstern har USA bara Iran och Erdogans vänskap kvar.  De andra staterna har kommit allt närmare varandra för att skydda sej mot Obamas allt starkare stöd till terrorstaten Iran. This was another abysmal Obama failure that Hillary Clinton was determined to pursue further. The odd thing is that despite the Obama efforts, once again the opposite has occurred. Today Israel is more in line and in greater agreement with countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, The Emirates, Egypt, and Jordan than when Mr. Obama took office in 2009. The rest of the Middle East, especially Syria and Iraq, are in chaos and in the throes of civil war with no end in sight.

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