Summa sidvisningar

tisdag 30 maj 2017

Sverige stöder desperat flödet av islamistisk kultur.

Ta t.ex. två länkar: länk1, länk2. Vad dessa naiva svenska media efterlängtar är att fylla vårt land med nedanstående islamister,:
  • De vill inte ha en aning om vad islamistisk kultur innebär. Här ett exempel:
  • Domstolen hörde hur Amer K. knivhögg sina tre barns mor i bröstet och halsen mer än tjugo gånger med en stor kökskniv, för att han trodde att hon ville skilja sig från honom.
  • "Då tar han kniven och hugger den in i bröstet, tränger in i hjärtkroppen och hjärtmuskeln. En andra stöt öppnar vänster bukhåla. Nurettin B. drar sedan ut yxan. Med den platta sidan träffar han huvudet, spräcker Hennes skalle. Sedan griper han repet. I ena änden knyter han en gibbetknut runt halsen, sedan knyter han den andra änden till släpvagnen på [hans bil] ... Han går igenom gatorna på 80 km / h [ Tills] repet raster. " - Åklagaren Ann-Kristin Fröhlich, rekonstruerar makens handlingar.
  • I Ahaus knäckte en 27-årig nigeriansk asylsökande en 22-årig kvinna till döds efter att hon till synes hade förolämpat hans ära genom att avvisa hans romantiska framsteg.

Germany: Wave of Muslim Honor Killings


Trump rasande på lögnaren Abbas

Abbas får bannor och inte allt Wallström och Obama skyfflade ut.

The Palestinians are frustrated with Trump’s pro-Israel diplomatic positions, a document authored by a leading PA official shows.
The Palestinian leadership is annoyed with US President Donald Trump’sseemingly pro-Israel diplomatic positions, Israel’s NRG news site reported Sunday, citing a document authored by a leading Palestinian official.
In the paper, which summarizes the diplomatic work the Palestinian Authority (PA) has conducted since Trump entered office, Saeb Erekat, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Executive Committee and chief PA negotiator, wrote that the Palestinians have failed to influence the US administration’s stance on the diplomatic process, notwithstanding attempts at exerting pressure through Arab countries.
“The Americans will vote against all plans and resolutions regarding Palestine at the [UN] Human Rights Council and UNESCO. Likewise, the American government will defend Israel at all international institutions and organizations, in accordance with President Trump’s declaration. Furthermore, the American government is threatening to leave the Human Rights Council if a resolution is passed against Israel,” the document says.
The Palestinians have been utilizing international forums to demonize and sanction Israel, and while the previous administration had supported some of these motions, the Trump administration has vowed to put an end to this phenomenon.

Trump Not Saying What Palestinians Want to Hear

Erekat noted that the Trump administration has thus far refrained from “publicly expressing support for a two-state solution, based on the 1967 borders, like the previous administration did.”
Trump and PA head Mahmoud Abbas discussed the prospects for peace during a press conference in Bethlehem last week. While Trump called for a resumption of talks, he notably stopped short of endorsing the idea of a Palestinian state.
In several speeches throughout his two-day visit to Israel, Trump spoke in general terms about his belief that the time is ripe to reach a deal, but he made no mention of a two-state solution.
Similarly, the Trump administration has not publicly stated its “opposition to settlements [Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria], and has not recognized the fact that they are illegal. The current administration has not demanded that the Israeli government reduce construction in them,” Erekat pointed out.
On the issue of moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Erekat had warned that doing so would “destroy the peace process and lead the region to extremism and bloodshed.” More recently, he expressed fear that Trump’s campaign promise is still an option, even though he has yet to make the move.

Fear of US Cut in Aid to Palestinians

Erekat likewise expressed apprehension about the US Congress, which “continues to threaten to cut the [US] aid” to the Palestinians. Congress had warned it would reduce funding if the Palestinians persist in their attempts to influence the diplomatic scene by persecuting Israel at international legal forums and continue paying salaries to Palestinian terrorists held in Israeli prisons.
This report comes as Israel’s Channel 2 revealed that Trump had screamed at Abbas during their meeting in Bethlehem last week, accusing him of lying and of incitement to terror.
You lied to me in Washington when you talked about commitment to peace, but the Israelis showed me you were personally responsible for incitement,” Trump reportedly said.
When the two leaders met in Washington early May, Abbas claimed that Palestinian youth were raised in a “culture of peace.”
By: United with Israel Staff

Israel leder vattenkonferens i USA. Kommer dess grannar?

Många muslimska länder, om inte alla, har långt ifrån löst sina dricksvattenproblem till skillnad mot Israel, jag har t.ex. skrivit om Iran minst två gånger (länk). .. Israel to host water conference in Austin, Texas

Event to present Israeli technologies to officials from local water sector

 May 4, 2017, 11:12 am
srael will showcase its water technologies in a first-of-its-kind event in Austin, Texas, on Friday, to senior officials from the Texas water industry.
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The conference, organized by the Israeli Economic Delegation of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, based in Houston, and the Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce, will be held directly after the Offshore Technology Conference, the largest energy exhibition in the world.
The water event will be dedicated to the “promotion of innovative and groundbreaking Israeli water technologies” that were developed in Israel to improve and optimize water consumption on municipal and state levels, the organizers said in a statement.
The conference’s featured speaker will be Sid Miller, the current Texas agriculture commissioner. In addition, eight Israeli water and infrastructure companies will present their products and technologies in various fields of water management. Attending will be 200 representatives from the Texas water industry, local Texas authorities, and water corporations.
The event, which will feature opening remarks by the new Israeli economic attaché, Shay Luvshis, is held in partnership with the Israeli Innovation Authority, the Israeli Water Authority, senior government officials and members of the Texas Congress.
The conference aims not only to create a stronger connection between the Israeli and Texas water industries, but to encourage key government officials and local authorities to participate in the WATEC Exhibition, which is taking place in Israel September 12-14. WATEC is one of the largest exhibitions in the world for companies, decision makers, professionals and thought leaders in the water sector, the statement said.
“This is a significant event for the water industry, and the first of its kind in the state of Texas,” said Luvshis
 .. ...


söndag 28 maj 2017

Det intensiva hemliga samarbetet mellan Israels och USAs underrättelsetjänst.

Trump har råkat avslöja det intima samarbetet mellan Israels och USAs  säkerhetstänst.
Media reports about Donald Trump’s alleged exposure of Israeli intelligence to Russia regarding an ISIS terror plot have naturally focused on what the incident tells us about the president and his fitness for office. But along the way, these accounts have also revealed an essential aspect of the U.S.-Israel alliance that traditionally has largely been hidden from public view: Israel’s essential role in providing Middle East intelligence to the United States.

lördag 27 maj 2017

Vem är Macron?

  • Franska presidenten Emmanuel Macron kan bara beskrivas som nära näringslivet om man förstår hur sakerna fungerar i Frankrike. Den franska ekonomin är ett blandat system där det är nästan omöjligt att lyckas ekonomiskt utan att ha nära förbindelser med politiska ledare som kan ge förmåner och subventioner, och antingen tillåta, förbjuda eller underlätta avtal eller hindra dem. Macron är inte tänkt att ge någon ny drivkraft till affärer, men för att säkerställa och befästa kraften hos dem som placerat honom där han är.
  • En avsiktlig bieffekt av Macrons politik kommer att vara befolkningsändring. Makron vill att islam ska ha mer plats i Frankrike. Som många europeiska ledare verkar Emmanuel Macron övertygad om att lösningen för det demografiska underskottet och åldringen av etniska europeiska befolkningar är mer invandring.
  • Den franska grenen i det muslimska brödraskapet publicerade en officiell communiqué och sa: "Muslimer tror att Republikens nya president tillåter försoning av Frankrike med sig och tillåter oss att gå längre tillsammans".

France: Macron, President of the Elites and Islamists


torsdag 25 maj 2017

Judiska Hebron.

Israel firar 50-årsjubileet av Jerusalems befrielse, hemmet för sina förfäder. Judarnas huvudstad före Jerusalem var Hebron

Israel firade på torsdagen 50-årsdagen av befrielsen av Hebron, den gamla judiska staden i hjärtat av den bibliska regionen Judeen och Samarien. IDF befriade staden Hebron, även känd som patriarkernas stad, dagen efter befrielsen av den gamla staden i Jerusalem för 50 år sedan. Ett litet känt faktum är att den förre IDF-chefen Rabbi Shlomo Goren nästan ensam befriade staden. IDF-krafterna pressade söderut mot staden, men Rabbi Goren skyndade sig framåt med sin jeep och kom till hjärtat av staden, den första juden som kom fram till patriarkens grotta efter 19 års jordansk ockupation. Den andra heligaste staden enligt den judiska traditionen, Hebron, är där vår forfader Abraham köpte en gravplats för sin fru Sarah och där de - liksom Rebecca, Isaac, Jacob och Leah - låg till vila.
Judiska Hebron
På påsk 1968, efter stadens befrielse, återvände judar att bo i staden. "Så när historikern besöker Hebron idag frågar han sig: var är alla de folk som en gång höll platsen? Var finns kanaaniterna? Var är edomiterna? Var är de gamla hellenerna och romarna, byzantinerna, frankerna, mamlukerna och ottomanerna? "Frågar historikern Paul Johnson. "De har försvunnit i tid, oåterkalleligt. Men judarna är fortfarande i Hebron, "svarar han. Denna stad är det perfekta exemplet på "judisk envishet under 4000 år", bekräftade Johnson. Av: United med Israel Staff
Översatt av Ralph Haglund och Google, av nedanstående
Israel is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem, the home of its ancestors. 
Israel celebrated on Thursday the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Hebron, the ancient Jewish city in the heart of the biblical region of Judea and Samaria.
The IDF liberated the city of Hebron, also known as the City of the Patriarchs, on the day following the liberation of the Old City of Jerusalem 50 years ago.
A little-known fact is that the late IDF Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren almost single-handedly liberated the city. The IDF forces were pushing south towards the city, but Rabbi Goren sped ahead with his jeep and arrived in the heart of the city, the first Jew to arrive at the Cave of the Patriarchs after 19 years of Jordanian occupation.
The second holiest city according to Jewish tradition, Hebron is where our forefather Abraham purchased a burial plot for his wife Sarah and where they – as well as Rebecca, Isaac, Jacob and Leah – were laid to rest.
On Passover 1968, following the city’s liberation, Jews returned to live in the city.
“So when the historian visits Hebron today, he asks himself: where are all those peoples which once held the place? Where are the Canaanites? Where are the Edomites? Where are the ancient Hellenes and the Romans, the Byzantines, the Franks, the Mamluks and the Ottomans?” historian Paul Johnson asks.
“They have vanished into time, irrevocably. But the Jews are still in Hebron,” he answers.
This city is the perfect example of “Jewish obstinacy over 4,000 years,” Johnson affirmed.
By: United with Israel Staff

onsdag 24 maj 2017

Tjeckien erkänner Jerusalem, Israels huvudstad.

<span style="color: orange; font-size: x-large;"><i>Vilken dröm om Sveriges regering hade varit lika Pro-israelisk! Inte var begåvat med världens 8:e antisemit.</i></span>
<h1 itemprop="name" style="font-family: kalisher, arial; letter-spacing: -0.9px; line-height: 34.3067px; margin: 26px 0px 0px; padding: 0px;">
<span style="color: orange; font-size: x-large;"><i>Tundra Tabloids <a href="" target="_blank">kommenterar </a>Margot från vår granne.</i></span></h1>
<h1 itemprop="name" style="color: #054f86; font-family: kalisher, arial; font-size: 31pt; letter-spacing: -0.9px; line-height: 34.3067px; margin: 26px 0px 0px; padding: 0px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">Netanyahu thanks Czech parliament for Jerusalem resolution</a></h1>
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PM commends Czech resolution calling for recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, sanctions against UNESCO.

<h1 itemprop="name" style="color: #054f86; font-size: 31pt; letter-spacing: -0.9px; line-height: 34.3067px; margin: 26px 0px 0px; padding: 0px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">Czech parliament asks government to recognize Jerusalem</a></h1>
<div class="Desc" itemprop="description" style="font-size: 17pt; line-height: 19.2667px; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0px 0px 6px; position: relative;">
The lower chamber of the Czech parliament calls on government to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, stop funding 'anti-Israel' UNESCO</div>
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Gary Willig,&nbsp;<span class="Date" style="font-size: 9pt; margin-left: 3px;"><span itemprop="datePublished" style="font-size: 10.8px;">24/05/17 22:40</span></span></div>

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<a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">Tjeckoslovakien</a>

<a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" tag="" target="_blank">Jerusalem</a>

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tisdag 23 maj 2017

Jämför Sveriges förakt av Israel/Trump med Trumps egna uttalanden.

Sveriges spyor ses i AB  i jämförelse med Trumps, se skillnaden mellan andan hos dessa och vilken som visar mest mogenhet:

'I stand in awe of the Jewish people'

President Trump visits the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
President Donald Trump spoke at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem Tuesday afternoon, shortly after having spoken at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum.

Saudierna protesterar inte mot Trumps direktflyg till Israel.

Margot tycker det är orättvist - men vems fel är det?  AB kvad:

We love Israel, we respect Israel, we are with you'

President Donald Trump calls Israel 'one of the world's great civilizations, pledges American support for the Jewish state.
Contact Editor
David Rosenberg, 

President Donald Trump and Binyamin Netanyahu at Ben Gurion Airport
Air Force One touched down at Ben Gurion Airport Monday afternoon, marking the beginning of President Donald Trump’s first state visit to Israel. The president was greeted on the tarmac by President Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Ambassadors David Friedman and Ron Dermer, and members of the Israeli cabinet. After his arrival, President Trump addressed the gathering of Israeli officials and top IDF brass, calling Israel “one of the world’s great civilizations” and pledging to fight terrorism in the region and across the globe. “Thank you, and Shalom. It is wonderful to be here in Israel. President Rivlin, Mrs. Rivlin, Prime Minster Netanyahu, Mrs. Netanyahu, thank you very much. I'm deeply grateful for your invitation, and very, very honored to be with you. “On my first trip overseas as president, I have come to this sacred and ancient land to reaffirm the unbreakable bond between the United States and the State of Israel. “In this land so rich in history, Israel has built one of the world's great civilizations. A strong, resilient, determined, and prosperous nation. “It is also a nation forged in the commitment that we will never allow the horrors and atrocities of the last century to be repeated. “Now we must work together to build a future in which the nations of the region are at peace, and all of our children can grow, and grow up strong, and grow up free from terrorism and violence. “We love Israel. We respect Israel. And I send your people the warmest greetings from your friend and ally, all of the people in the United States of America. We are with you.”
Se länk

söndag 21 maj 2017

Ljuset från Köpenhamn.

Hizb ut-Tahrir  är en ökänd terrorgrupp förbjuden i många muslimska länder.
February 13, 2015
Clip No. 

Copenhagen Imam on Eve of Terror Attack: The Prophet Engaged in War, Not Dialogue, with the Jews

Hajj Saeed, Imam of the Al-Faruq Mosque in Copenhagen, Denmark, rejected interfaith dialogue in a Friday sermon delivered on February 13, one day before the Copenhagen terror attacks. Imam Saeed explained that the Prophet Muhammad waged war against his Jewish neighbors in Al-Madina rather than engage in dialogue with them. The sermon was posted on the Internet by the Scandinavian chapter of Hizb ut-Tahrir.

lördag 20 maj 2017

USA attackerar Hizbollah

1½ artiklar bortglömda av TT.

Hizballah’s elite force sustains heavy casualties from US air strike 
DEBKAfile May 19, 2017, 6:46 PM (IDT)

Most of the damage inflicted by the US air strike Thursday in South Syria was sustained by Hizballah’s elite unit, the Radwan Force, DEBKAfile’s military sources disclose. This was the first aerial attack the United States has conducted on a combined Syrian-Iranian-Hizballah convoy in the seven-year Syrian war. Our sources add that the US jets and assault helicopters took off from the Ayn al-Asad air base in western Iraqi for an operation to prevent the convoy from reaching the strategic Al-Tanf crossing at the intersection of the Syrian, Iraq and Jordanian borders. They hit at least three of Hizballah’s armored vehicles and several trucks, which caught fire. The Americans and Hizballah have both imposed a blackout on the details of the incident and the scale of casualties. 

DEBKAfile ran a number of stories this week disclosing the activities of US, British and Jordanian special operations forces in southern Syria for taking over key segments of the Syrian-Iraqi border, including the Al-Tanf crossing. US Secretary of Defense James Mattis commented this week that Washington had not change its policy of non-intervention in the Syria war, adding, “But we will defend our troops.” 

Syria & allies push back at US-held border post
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 20, 2017, 6:50 PM (IDT)
|Norwegian Special Forces arrive at Al-Tanf crossing
|Norwegian Special Forces arrive at Al-Tanf crossing
The Syrian-pro-Iranian-Hizballah force in southern Syria renewed its advance on the Iraqi border on Saturday, May 20, two days after sustaining heavy casualties from a US air strike on its convoys and in spite of US Defense Secretary James’ Mattis warning, “We will defend our troops.”
Syrian military sources reported the capture Saturday of the Suweida region and another 60 square kilometers. This offensive brought the Syrian army and its allies closer to the strategic Al-Tanf crossing at the Syrian border intersection with Iraq and Jordan, which is held by US and other special operations units.
The US-led coalition force is also made up of elite units from Britain, Holland, Germany and the Czech Republic, as well as Jordan and a large contingent of the rebel Free Syria Army trained and armed by American instructors in Jordan.
The latest arrival to boost this force, DEBKAfile’s military sources report, was a unit of Norwegian special forces, which entered Syria from Iraq through the Al-Waleed border crossing in western Anbar. They arrived along with American reinforcements and linked up with the US and British forces deployed at Al Tanf.
However, the Syrian force and its allies to the US air strike moved fast enough Saturday to threaten the FSA troops fighting there with being trapped by a siege. They have pushed their offensive forward against the US-led force, despite their losses from an American air raid, as a show of defiance that was timed for President Donald Trump’s arrival in Saudi Arabia.
Another US air strike appears to be unavoidable for pushing them back. The danger is also rising of a major clash on the ground between US-led coalition special forces troops and the combined Syrian-Iranian-Hizballah force.
The US bombardment of that force Thursday underlined for Saudi Arabia and the dozens of Arab and Muslim rulers, gathered in Riyadh to meet the US president, his administration’s determination to prevent Iran and its Lebanese surrogate, Hizballah, from gaining control of Syria. American troops were accordingly engaged proactively in securing the border crossings between Syria and Iraq.
However, Tehran, Damascus and Hizballah are evidently not about to shirk a direct confrontation with Washington and the Trump administration, apparently with the support of Moscow.
This clash of arms is likely to expand into an outright US showdown with the US and Syria, Iran and Hizballah in the next 24-48 hours ahead of President Trump’s visit to Israel, the second stop of his four-national trip  

torsdag 18 maj 2017

Europa: Fler Migranter På Väg

<h1 itemprop="name headline" style="font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 1.4em; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">
<a href="" target="_blank">Europa: Fler Migranter På Väg</a></h1>
<h2 style="font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.3em; margin-top: 0px; padding-top: 0px;">
"Åtta till tio miljoner migranter är fortfarande på väg"</h2>
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<b>av&nbsp;<a href="" style="color: #da5724; text-decoration-line: none;"><span itemprop="author">Soeren Kern</span></a>
<time class="nocontent" datetime="2017-05-14T00:00:00" itemprop="datePublished">14 maj, 2017</time></b></div>
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<b>Översättning av originaltexten:&nbsp;</b><a href="" style="color: #da5724; text-decoration-line: none;">Europe: More Migrants Coming</a></div>
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<a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">EU</a> <a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">migranter</a> &nbsp;<a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a>&nbsp;<a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a></div>
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Löfvéns och hans systerfolks åsikt.

Åtminstone har han inte protesterat.

Gillar han det inte kunde han trivialt minska bidraget. A Palestinian preacher called “to finish off the monstrous entity of the Jews” who are the “vilest” and “most despicable and cowardly of creatures.” fvén hoppar av glädje i sin soffa.

Danmark, Norge och Sverige. Hur känner du dej?

NORGE _____________________________ DANMARK

Picture: Netanyahu with Danish Foreign Minister

Samuelsen and Netanyahu (Haim Tzach, לע"ם) _________________________________________________ Swedish Institute blocks Israeli ambassador on Twitter
Citing hate speech, Sweden ‘unfriends’ Israeli ambassador, other critics on Twitter.
Contact Editor

Twitter.A Swedish government agency on information apologized for blocking briefly from its account on Twitter thousands of users, including that of Israel’s ambassador in Stockholm, that it flagged as engaging in hate speech.
The Swedish Institute published the apology Tuesday on the Swedish-language edition of its website, in which it also stated that it has removed the blocks from all accounts that had been suspended earlier this week. The block, which is the Twitter equivalent to “unfriending” someone on Facebook, prevented some 14,000 users from using the username @sweden, which is owned by the Swedish Institute, and reading its Twitter feed. It did not otherwise limit their use of the social network or the Internet. “The Swedish Institute apologizes to those who have been blocked mistakenly,” read the statement. In addition to the private Twitter account of Isaac Bachman, the Israeli ambassador, and his embassy’s official account, blocked accounts included that of the award-winning journalist Magda Gad of the liberal Expressen daily, the lawmaker Jimmie Åkesson of the nationalist Sweden Democrats party, and the well-known novelist Jonas Gardell, who is a well-known activist for gay and transsexual rights in Sweden. Bachman, who has used harsh language in criticizing of Sweden’s policies on Israel, took to Twitter to protest the block, which he noted was not extended to Iran and Saudi Arabia, which have laws discriminating homosexuals and women, and which fund purveyors of anti-Semitic hate speech.
Now, that #Israel 's MFA and ambassador are blocked - #Sweden is much safer in reading Iran and others, that were not blocked.@SweInstitute — Isaac Bachman (@isaacbachman) May 16, 2017
The blocks prompted criticism in local media on the Swedish Institute, which was accused of silencing critical debate about Sweden and imposing unnecessary limitations on free speech to preserve a far-reaching definition of political correctness. The Swedish Institute neither published a full list of those blocked nor offer those affected recourse to challenge the decision. While it apologized for any wrongful block, the Swedish Institute in its statement defended the use of the tool to achieve what it called an improved atmosphere online. “The Swedish Institute in the past has given its moderators permission to block users but last week it happened on a larger scale” with the intention not only of stopping alleged hate speech but also preventing it, the statement read. “The blocks contributed to increased security on the account and to a significant improvement in dialog,” the statement continued. “But the institute also sees the need to examine the question of freedom of expression and the use of authority” in this context. Hate speech online “is a major concern for freedom of expression and freedom of opinion,” Jenny Ljung, the head of the Swedish Institute, wrote in the statement.

Du svensk, hur känner du dej att överses av en typisk Naziregim?.