Summa sidvisningar
tisdag 28 mars 2017
Israeliska araber på tur i USA för att motverka judehat,
Både judar och araber i USA har judehat utan någon kunskap om Israel.
Hizbollah inte terrorister?
En stor del av Arabvärlden inklusive EU anser inte de är terrorister.
För åratals sedan publicerade Israel en karta över Hizbollahanläggningar i södra Libanon, länk1, länk2, alla förbjudna av FN, men vad bryr sej EU-regeringar om sådana detaljer. Du inser lätt hur mycket bättre IDFs kartor är nu
Läs noggrant nedanstående artikel och förklara sen varför Lövén&Väggström inte an/inser/ att de är terrorister.
World shrugs as Hezbollah prepares massive civilian deaths
Lebanon has made Hezbollah, whose rocket launchers are in homes and villages, part of its official army, making it responsible for civilian deaths on both sides should war erupt. Where is the UN?
Noah Beck, 25/03/17 22:38
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah recently warned Israel that his Iran-backed terror group could attack targets producing mass Israeli casualties, including a huge ammonia storage tank in Haifa, and a nuclear reactor in Dimona.
Also last month, Tower Magazine reported that, since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Iran has provided Hezbollah with a vast supply of “game-changing,” state-of-the art weapons, despite Israel’s occasional airstrikes against weapons convoys.
In a future conflict, Hezbollah has the capacity to fire 1,500 rockets into Israel each day, overwhelming Israel’s missile defense systems. Should such a scenario materialize, Israel will be forced to respond with unprecedented firepower to defend its own civilians.
Hezbollah’s advanced weapons and the systems needed to launch them reportedly are embedded across a staggering 10,000 locations in the heart of more than 200 civilian towns and villages. The Israeli military has openly warned about this Hezbollah war crime and the grave threats it poses to both sides, but that alarm generated almost no attention from the global media, the United Nations, or other international institutions.
Läs vidare. Och förundra dej sedan hur Israel kan anfalla en icke-terroristdeklarerad terroristorganisation utan anledning som är uppenbar i svenska massmedia.
Ungern och Israel kommer närmare.
Presidenten vid ett israeliskt universitet hedras i Ungern.
Hungarian Government Honors Bar-Ilan University President
Recognized for his 'manifold and committed activities to strengthen Hungarian-Israeli academic and social relations'.
INTE från den svenska regeringen.
"Trump och jag står utan ursäkter bakom Israel och kommer alltid att göra det". Svetsarregeringen i Sverige har inte upptäckt att en stor del av världen har skippat Obamaregeringens Israelhat.
“Let me clear,” Pence emphasized. “Under President Donald Trump, the United States of America will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. This is a solemn promise to you, to Israel and to the world.”
Pence at AIPAC: President Trump and I Stand Without Apology for Israel and We Always Will
Trump, according to Pence, is giving “serious consideration” to moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Furthermore, Pence said, “Under President Trump, the United States will no longer allow the United Nations to be used as a forum for invective against Israel.”
At the same time, the vice president noted, Trump is “invested in finding an equitable and just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” and “committed to forging a lasting peace in the Middle East.”
“And while there will undoubtedly have to be compromises, I can assure you all — President Trump will never compromise the safety and security of the Jewish State of Israel,” Pence went on to say.
>Regarding Iran, Pence vowed the US would “no longer tolerate” the Tehran regime’s “efforts to destabilize the region and jeopardize Israel’s security.”
>Regarding Iran, Pence vowed the US would “no longer tolerate” the Tehran regime’s “efforts to destabilize the region and jeopardize Israel’s security.”
“Let me clear,” Pence emphasized. “Under President Donald Trump, the United States of America will not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon. This is a solemn promise to you, to Israel and to the world.”
USAs ambassad flyttas till Israels huvudstad, utan fanfarer.
Trump talade mycket i början om att placera USAs ambassad i Jerusalem enligt beslut i Kongressen 1995
Det börjar gå för många rykten nu, att Abbas hot har skrämt Trump eller att Netanyahu gått emot det. Vi har alla hört Abbas starkaste argument: "därför att Arafat ville ha Jerusalem". Det nämns aldrig i media att araberna har någon rätt till Jerusalem, bara "vill ha" som vilka ungar i sandlådan som helst. Jordaniens illegala ockupation av Jerusalem 1948-67, aldrig godkänd av Sverige, erkändes endast av Pakistan och England, Ett England som hade hjälpt Jordanien ockupera området.
'The embassy will be moved to Jerusalem - quietly'
Chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel says President Trump will keep campaign promise to relocate US Embassy, but without fanfare.
söndag 26 mars 2017
Hamas stänger sin gräns eftersom Israel har eliminerat en terrorist.
Hamas, lika smart som alltid, stänger passagen för människor och fisk. Kommer Wallström nu omedelbart att ta båten dit med våra pensionärers pensioner?
Se ckså:,7340,L-4940582,00.html
Hamas closes Gaza, forbids fishing
Hamas shuts Gaza crossing, blames Israel for official's assassination.
Hamas closed the crossing between Gaza and Israel on Sunday after blaming Israel for the assassination of one of its lead terrorists and officials. In addition, Hamas forbade fishing in the waters near Gaza.
A statement from the Interior Ministry in Gaza, run by Islamist movement Hamas, said it was shutting the Erez crossing for an indefinite period as it investigates the murder of terrorist Mazen Faqha, 38, in Gaza on Friday.
Israeli security forces on Sunday went on high alert expecting an escalation in terror after Hamas leaders blamed Israeli intelligence agency Mossad for the shooting, which occurred near Faqha's Gaza home.
Security forces are always patrolling the area around the Gaza fence, but were now instructed to be on alert, add additional soldiers, change the patrol route, and more.
Israel has not commented on the shooting.
Faqha was responsible for cells of Hamas's "military" wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, in Judea and Samaria.
He was later sentenced to nine life terms for organizing suicide attacks that killed hundreds of Israelis during the Second Intifada between 2000 and 2005.
Faqha was released in 2011 along with more than 1,000 other terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier Hamas had detained for five years, and transferred to Gaza.
Israel did not immediately comment in detail on Sunday's closure but said its side of the crossing remained open.
The Erez crossing is the only one between Gaza and Israel for people. Another crossing with Israel, Kerem Shalom, is used for goods.Contact Editor
AFP, Arutz Sheva Staff, 26/03/17 13:09
Se ckså:,7340,L-4940582,00.html
lördag 25 mars 2017
MERS-virus eller kärlek eller vaddå?
Jag fick syn på en gammal artikel, vet inte varför mitt öga fångades in.
Hmmm, scientists may have discovered a link between camels and the deadly Middle East MERS virus
Since the virus was first identified last September, there have been 94 cases, including 46 deaths, from MERS, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, mostly in Saudi Arabia. Aside from several clusters where the virus has likely spread between people, experts are stumped as to how patients got infected.

Washington Post In a preliminary study published on Friday, European scientists found traces of antibodies against the MERS virus in dromedary, or one-humped, camels, but not the virus itself. Finding antibodies means the camels were at one point infected with MERS or a similar virus before fighting off the infection.
fredag 24 mars 2017
Friedman varmt välkomnad som Trumps ambassadör till Israel.
Netanyahu Welcomes ‘Close Friend of Israel’ as US Ambassador
trots att diverse vänsternötter fasar över att en Israelvän ska bli ambassadör i Israel. Fick Margot blodstörtning?.
Israels genuint LAGLIGA rätt att skjuta ner vapenlevranser till Hizbollah i Syrien.
Are Israeli raids on Syrian targets legal?
Facing an increasingly dangerous Hezbollah, Jerusalem correctly understands that even a failed state has legal obligations not to assist in terrorist assaults against Israel.
Prof. Louis René Beres, 24/03/17 11:46
Syria, a country in the midst of chaos, has launched multiple aggressions against neighboring Israel. In recent years, most of these assaults have assumed the form of heavy weapons transfers to Hezbollah, a Shiite terror group with not only genocidal views about the Jewish State but also correspondingly destructive military capacities. Moreover, the de facto army of Hezbollah – a fanatical adversary sponsored by non-Arab Iran – has become even more threatening to Israel than the regular armies of its traditional Arab state enemies.
Israel stoppade Nordkoreanska vapen till Hizbollah..
Enligt arabiska nyhetskällor var det en vänlig gåva från Nordkorea för att mörda judar, som stoppades av Netanyahu.
Target: North Korean missiles Photo Credit: Reuters/Channel 2 News
Report: Israel attacked in order to prevent North Korean weapons convoy to Hezbollah
The day after the IDF attacked within Syrian territory, an Arab news website reported that Israel conducted the airstrike in order to prevent sophisticated North Korean missile convoy from reaching Hezbollah. Jordanian sources stated that this was the attack target that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about.
This morning (Saturday), Arab media outlets reported that Israel conducted yesterday’s airstrike in Syria in order to prevent North Korean missiles from reaching Hezbollah. As reported yesterday by JOL, an anti-aircraft missile was shot at Israel in response to the airstrike, which was intercepted by the IDF’s Arrow System.
According to a report on the Arab news website Rai al-Youm, political groups and reliable Jordanian sources believe that there is a connection between recent Israeli military and intelligence operations along Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon and between leaked information claiming that Hezbollah has obtained extremely technologically advanced missiles from North Korea.
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torsdag 23 mars 2017
Press, Amnesty, Iran och rebellerna väldigt överens angående Jemen.
Sveriges synvinkel, konstant för Iran och mot Saudiarabien. Ingen är emot terrorstaten Irans vapenleveranser till huthirebellerna. Jämför den svenska ensidiga artikeln med de följande och säg vad du anser om TT:s neutralitet. Jämför
USA och Storbritannien beskylls för hyckleri
onsdag 22 mars 2017
Israeliska arabiska och judiska stjärnor hjälper hungrande i Somalia.
Röda Korset varnar för massvält - gör Sverige nåt? Inte lika viktigt att rapportera.
Arab Israeli Facebook star teams up with Ben Stiller to feed Somalia
By Andrew Tobin
TEL AVIV (JTA) — Arab Israeli Facebook star Nuseir Yassin wants you to help him “steal a plane.” It’s for a good cause.
In a video Thursday, he laid out a plan to get Turkish Airlines to fly food to Somalia, where over 6 million people need are at risk of starvation. Joined by Ben Stiller and a social media dream team, he urged his more than 600,000 followers to promote the hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.
“We’re going to steal a plane — all of us, the people of the internet,” he said. “To get the airline’s attention, we’re using a hashtag like this one.”
The roughly one-minute video was the 341st Yassin has posted to his Nas Daily Facebook page in as many days. Within several hours, it had been shared well over 100,000 times.
A Harvard University graduate from the town of Arraba in Israel’s Lower Galilee, Yassin last year quit his well-paying job as a computer engineer at PayPal in New York to start making the videos, which he films and uploads from around the world. The motivation was simple, he explained in video No. 339: “Look, I’m just a 25-year-old hairy kid who wants to live the best possible life and put it on Facebook in one-minute videos. That’s it.”
In his videos, Yassin wears a grey T-shirt emblazoned with a gauge that is 32 percent full, explaining that he has already used up that fraction of his life.
Yassin signed onto the Somalia campaign at the invitation of French Snapchat sensation Jerome Jarre, who got things started Wednesday with a video railing against the “revolting” silence of the “mainstream media.” Jarre also recruited Stiller, Mexican YouTube celebrity Juanpa Zurita and British Instragram influencer Chaka Clarke. Stiller’s video urging action won Twitter support — along with a friendly insult.
Vad FN använder enorma summor till: Veklagan över Israel.
Man hoppas att Trump är snabb att dra in varenda krona till UNHRC, "människorättsrådet" som handlar om allt annat än. Våran egen Jan Eliasson utformade hur rådet skulle sammansättas utan hänsyn till Mänskliga Rättigheter, och skrattade åt USAs protester.
UN General Assembly President Jan Eliasson unveils his draft of the Human Rights Council at a press briefing(23 Feb. 2006)VideoUSA talar om att lämna den antisemitiska hatgruppen UNHRC medan andra anser att USA kan göra större nytta att vara med och vara en stark röst mot Israelhtet. Läs länk. Det var Obamas skäl att gå med men inte hjälpte det Obamas Israelhat.![]()
U.N. rights council targets Israel in 6 reports
måndag 20 mars 2017
FBIs förbud att nämna Radikal Islam.
FBI-chefen till förhör om Trump
Sedan Obama förbjöd FBI att göra något åt radikal Islam har det varit svårt att bedöma FBIs uttalanden.
söndag 19 mars 2017
Erdogans Kurdhat, kurderna i Tyskland.
Svensk översiktsartikel:
Kurdo Baksi: Terrorn i Turkiet beror på Erdogans kurdhat
Från SvT;
Erdoğans och Merkels ödesmöte
Netanyahu till Kina igen.
Sent på lördagskvällen stack Netanyahu till Kina som så många gånger. Speciellt jämfört med lilla kraftlösa Sverige som väl bara varit där för att förmana.
MARCH 19, 2017 02:23
Se också
Hoping to boost trade, PM heads to China with largest-ever business delegation
Israel importerar nu mer från Kina än USA, länk. Nu får vi bara vänta att handeln ska bli högre än med EU, så kan de glömma om att bojkotta judarna i Israel. Blir frihandelsavtalet Israel-Kina klart hjälper det. Liksom den nya kinesiska Silkesvägen.
Diktatorer talar i FN, får svar.
In 90 Seconds, Hillel Neuer Takes on U.N. Dictators
After North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia and other of the world’s worst dictatorships told lies, UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer was given 90 seconds to take the floor & set the record straight.
Mr. President, let the record show that everything we just heard from some of the world’s worst human rights abusers has no basis in law or in fact.
When will this U.N. council live up to its own Charter and address the real human rights abuses taking place in the following regions:
In Afghanistan: Misogyny.
In Algeria: Excessive force.
In Belarus: Authoritarianism.
In Burundi: Genocide warning.
In Cambodia: Violence against women.
In Central African Republic: Sexual abuses by peacekeepers.
In China: Denial of basic freedoms.
In Congo: Child labor.
In Cuba: Dictatorship.
In Ecuador: Suppression of dissent.
In Egypt: Extra-judicial killings.
In Eritrea: Forced labor.
In Ethiopia: Arbitrary killings.
In Haiti: Chronic corruption.
In Iran: Torture.
In Iraq: Militia killings.
In Laos: Abuse of prisoners.
In Lebanon: Hezbollah atrocities.
In Libya: Mass killings.
In Malaysia: Police killings.
In Maldives: Jailing of opposition.
In Mali: Torture.
In Mauritania: Slavery.
In Morocco: Unfree judiciary.
In Myanmar: Violence against minorities.
In Nigeria: Extra-judicial killings.
In North Korea: Forced labor camps.
In Pakistan: Death penalty for blasphemy.
In Panama: Corruption.
In Qatar: Slave labor.
In Russia: Persecution of dissidents.
In Saudi Arabia: Beheadings.
In Sri Lanka: Arbitrary arrests.
In Sudan: Bombing of civilians.
In Syria: Massacre of civilians.
In Algeria: Excessive force.
In Belarus: Authoritarianism.
In Burundi: Genocide warning.
In Cambodia: Violence against women.
In Central African Republic: Sexual abuses by peacekeepers.
In China: Denial of basic freedoms.
In Congo: Child labor.
In Cuba: Dictatorship.
In Ecuador: Suppression of dissent.
In Egypt: Extra-judicial killings.
In Eritrea: Forced labor.
In Ethiopia: Arbitrary killings.
In Haiti: Chronic corruption.
In Iran: Torture.
In Iraq: Militia killings.
In Laos: Abuse of prisoners.
In Lebanon: Hezbollah atrocities.
In Libya: Mass killings.
In Malaysia: Police killings.
In Maldives: Jailing of opposition.
In Mali: Torture.
In Mauritania: Slavery.
In Morocco: Unfree judiciary.
In Myanmar: Violence against minorities.
In Nigeria: Extra-judicial killings.
In North Korea: Forced labor camps.
In Pakistan: Death penalty for blasphemy.
In Panama: Corruption.
In Qatar: Slave labor.
In Russia: Persecution of dissidents.
In Saudi Arabia: Beheadings.
In Sri Lanka: Arbitrary arrests.
In Sudan: Bombing of civilians.
In Syria: Massacre of civilians.
Mr. President, when will the world hear about the real human right abuses?
lördag 18 mars 2017
Lär sej FN? Hög FN-chef avgår efter Israel-rapport
Lär sej Guterrez, som jag just skrev, länk, att det inte bara är att skyffla på med antisemitism i FN som vanligt?
Nu när USA efter den stodra sucken Obama, hotar att halvera sitt bidrag av samma anledning (berättade TT det eller bara denna bloggen?) får vi förhoppningsvis se en skillnad. Speciellt i UNHRC, som spenderar miljoner på att attackera Israel och hoppar över nästan alla grova folkrättsmord i andra lånder. Se t.ex. länk. Och mer på samma sajt.
Vad FN kallar apartheid syns tydligt på , länk2.
Det kom just fram att den gamle avsatte israelhataren Richard Falk hade skrivit artikeln.
Vad FN kallar apartheid syns tydligt på , länk2.
Det kom just fram att den gamle avsatte israelhataren Richard Falk hade skrivit artikeln.
Hög FN-chef avgår efter Israel-rapport
.. ...
Israels senaste gallupundersökning.
En annn artikel,
Channel 10 Poll: Likud 26, Yesh Atid 25, Bayit Yehudi 13, Joint List 13, Zionist Union 10; Yaalon 0
March 18, 2017
Old Dialog (HaMidgam Project + Stat-Net) conducted a poll that included a new Yaalon-led-party of 755 people that was broadcast by Channel 10 on March 17.
Current Knesset seats in [brackets]
26 [30] Likud
25 [11] Yesh Atid
13 [13] The Joint (Arab) List
13 [08] Bayit Yehudi
10 [24] Zionist Union
07 [06] Yahadut Hatorah/UTJ
07 [06] Yisrael Beitenu
07 [05] Meretz
06 [10] Kulanu
06 [07] Shas
00 [–-] Yaalon Party
65 [67] Current Right-Religious Coalition
55 [53] Current Center-Left-Arab Opposition
34%: Decision not final
TT:s halvnyhet i dag, den verkliga halvan censurerad som alltid.
Kurderna, som han är desperat att avliva, växer dubbelt så snabbt och snart är majoriten soldater i Turkiet kurder. Stackars den evige diktaorn Erdogan, älskad av Merkel.
Erdogan till turkar i Europa: Få fem barn
Vad som konsekvent bortcensureras:
Typisk Göbbellögn.
fredag 17 mars 2017
Guterrez gör bort sej i FN.
FN gråter över att de inte ostört kan fortsätta FN:s öppna antisemitism. länk1, länk2, länk3.
Inget nyhetsvärde för Telegrambyrån. Man ser dom bläddra bland inkommande telegram för att hitta de som passar deras agenda. Hade Guterrez lyssnat ett ögonblick på ki-Moons varningar om antisemitism i FN hade han fattat lite.
UN chief against Trump's cuts
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warns against Trump’s plan to cut some funding for the world body.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday spoke out against U.S. President Donald Trump’s plan to cut some U.S. funding for the world body.
"Abrupt funding cuts can force the adoption of ad hoc measures that will undermine the impact of longer-term reform efforts," Guterres’s spokesman Stephane Dujarric warned, according to Reuters.
"The Secretary-General fully subscribes to the necessity to effectively combat terrorism, but believes that it requires more than military spending," he added, responding to Trump's proposal for an additional $54 billion in military spending.
Trump unveiled on Thursday the first budget proposal of his presidency, totaling $1.15 trillion and including a roughly 10% boost to the U.S. military, amounting to some $54 billion.
The UN, which currently receives some $10 billion per annum from the U.S., would also see a significant cut in funding, according to the budget.
While the proposal states only that the administration plans on reducing “funding to the UN and affiliated agencies” without specifying an amount, Foreign Policy reported this week that the White House has instructed the State Department to cut more than half of American funding for the UN.
The United States is the biggest contributor to the United Nations, paying 22 percent of the $5.4 billion core budget and 28.5 percent of the $7.9 billion peacekeeping budget.
There were calls on Trump to cut American funding to the UN following the Security Council’s passage of Resolution 2334 which criticizes Israel’s presence in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem.
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a law that would block taxpayer dollars from going toward the UN, in response to Resolution 2334.
"Vad Ruttes seger får Le Pen att grubbla"
Telegrambyrån fortsätter att utelämna väsentliga fakta, som helt säkert inte får mycket plats i Politiskt Korrekta holländska tidningar heller - folk VET helt enkelt inte,
Se länk1, länk2, länk3, länk4.
.Jag håller med en del, att le Pen har gjort bort sej, som länk. Men det var nog inte vad Telegrambyrån menade.
Telegram som ljuger eller används på Göbbels sätt, att snedvinkla nyheter, känns lika föråldrat som bilden, med ett internet som ger tillgång till fakta om man har tillgång till pålitliga, icke vänstervinklade källor. Fråga Trump.
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